integrity. quality. committment.

Company Profile.
Although hard work is embedded into the calusses in our hands, we will never deny the stepping stones we have been given. We were both raised from dirt, rocks...minerals.
Our passion for this industry, along with our foundation of strength, will continue to help us provide the best products and service in the area.
We live, work here and play here. Sustaining the beauty of this area is of the utmost importance to us while harvesting and manufacturing the much needed organic materials and minerals and producing quality concrete for the areas infrastructure; as well as local business and residential needs.
Our values and our great team of talented employees have a zero tolerance for unsafe and unfriendly envoronmentally practices.
For more information on our Environmental & Safety Priorities, feel free to contact us for the GLMW Social Responsibility Brochure.

Our Vision.
Our vision is to produce and provide the most diverse array of materials and quality aggregate products in the area. Our goal is to be the area’s largest and premier source of materials for all residential and commercial needs; while remaining environmentally and socially responsible.
Feel free to contact Amy at 906.483.7976 or email info@greatlakesmineral.com, to schedule a tour of the Valley View Quarry. Want to know more information on how Great Lakes Mineral Works gives back in the Communities in which we serve? Email info@greatlakesmineral.com
Our Awesome Crew
Great Lakes Mineral Works is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Interested Candidates should complete an application and/or
send your resume to jobs@greatlakesmineral.com.
have what it takes to hang with this crew? click here


© 2022 by Great Lakes Mineral Works, LLC.